Mit Leichtigkeit leben - Living with lightness

Christina Hirsch - Training & Coaching

Integral Systemic Training (ISYS-Training)

„We have to go, we have to seek. Whereas the fulfillment and the essencial end-target is coming in our way, looking for us. Provided that we are moving towards it.“ 
Karl Rahner


Integral. . .systemi. . .what? Now, before you ask Mr. „Google“, allow me to give you a short explanation about this development program. „integral“ means all-embracing, complete. The human being is seen as a conscious creature that stands by his-/herself and, at the same time, being embedded in a much more complex system, permanently in exchange with it.  Whereas this system itself is structured into various domains arranged in a huge spiral of development levels. Hey, otherwise it would be too easy ;-) No matter on what level the various elements of existence are, everything strives towards limitless and continuous unfolding in harmony with the universal principles of life.

I make use in my life and work of the integral analysis and practice methods to bring to light the multiple facets of the personality, their interdependence and exchange with the Whole.
It's like diving into a deep ocean and, by exploring it down to the ground, you are able to read the patterns of the stars' movements. The other way around works too 

How do I work with you?

We go through a holistic training of personality (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), aiming for self-awareness and personality development.

Maybe this sounds somehow complex, but rest assured: such a process is carefully split into little steps respecting your current environment and resources. I'm confident that not only eagles, but also little birds can fly up to the high sky.

The sky has no limits, so age has no relevance for the moment in time when you make yourself on your way!

How do you make progress?

Considering the Buddhist principle of simultaneity of cause and effect – one of the principles my works roots in! – you've already reached your goal the very moment you've made your first step towards it – event if only partially. The fulfilment of the goals happens at double pace, as this is coming in your way, provided your tenacity.

For what life challenges is the ISYS-Training suitable?

A.    For people who are aiming for a new positioning in life. 

Mostly this wish is triggered by a meaningful disruptive happening, like: passing over a very difficult phase, breaking apart from a dear person, the birth of a child, falling in love, moving town or even migration to another country.   

Does this training mean a lot of work for you (and me ;-)? YES!

At the end of the process you'll find yourself in a wonderful pleasant feeling of resonance with life!

B.    For people who are longing for the accomplishment of a wish. Or for those who would like to peacefully part from a dream to set energy free for realistic modern goals.

By using well-tested professional project management methods, you'll quickly get loose from dreams and enter a mindful and agile handling with reality-tested chances of success.

Will you need to compromise? YES!
The win form this project are satisfaction and fulfilment without perfectionistic ambitions.

C.    Solutioning problems and conflict management

You've got into a tricky bothering situation and do not want to tolerate tricks any longer? We will play some scenarios and train modern communication techniques by using even role-plays from the improvisation theater.

By these means we get our brains open for solution oriented – surprisingly perspectives – and, not only implement the change into practice, but also have some fun ;-)

Learn to recognize and accept your own borders with a self-critical and soft-hearted attitude. Thus, getting the courage and energy to overcome them.

Will your ego loose feathers? YES!

Watch distanced and with amusement the transformation of inner – and outer – meanings into clear guiding lines and the dissolution of envy into fairness.

What follows after the training?

The outcome of such an ISYS-Training is the development of your personality to a higher level from where new horizons are opening.

What will you see from there?

The answer is inside you. 😉


  • integral analysis of your personality characteristics and their interdependence 

  • perceive yourself as an individual human and as a fragment of EVERYTHIN

  • walk the life-line at your own pace – with lightness!

  • learn and use  modern communication

Your motivators

  • New positioning in life – in the analogue and digital world 

  • learn to truly know yourself better

  • fulfillment of a wish or setting up new realistic goals

  • overcoming and learning from problems & conflicts
